Why french girls wear, smell nicer the english ones and they are much easier going?!?
2006-06-07 22:05:13 UTC
Why french girls wear, smell nicer the english ones and they are much easier going?!?
Six answers:
2006-06-12 21:18:11 UTC
Because french girls are from Quebec and Quebec is is the real world. Ottawa is a village in the middle of the Canadian countryside where people have to follow rules and regulations to remain submissive and under control. You never noticed how strange people are in this city. It seems like another planet where people are plugged to the media to dictate on them what to do and how to live and how to feel so sad that they are not that perfect.

Everything in this city follows this politically correct setup. That's why I left Ottawa a long time ago.
2006-06-13 02:32:33 UTC
Did you mean French as in from France/ french-speaking & english as in from England/ english-speaking? Because some people seem to think you were referring to particular countries.

And Ali s, that would be Muslim girls. :
2006-06-08 15:42:10 UTC
French girls have a more liberal attitude toward sex. Therefore, they spend more time and attention to making themselves more sexually attractive.
chef spicey
2006-06-08 15:30:49 UTC
my opinion is they both smell, bad hygiene in those countries.
ali s
2006-06-08 05:10:24 UTC
they wash after urine
niel a
2006-06-08 05:47:57 UTC
cause they are sexy

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