What is the best vegetarian restaurant in Ottawa?
2007-01-16 09:43:36 UTC
What is the best vegetarian restaurant in Ottawa?
Two answers:
2007-01-17 03:24:21 UTC
I'm not a _huge_ fan of any of them. The Green Door and The Table are both frightened of cheese, cafeteria-style, and are never able to serve hot food that's actually hot.

Better, in my opinion, to go to a non-vegetarian restaurant that has good food and a good selection of vegetarian stuff on the menu. Ahora on Dalhousie, say. (; try the "enchiladas vegetariana" -- delicious)

♪ ♫Jin_Jur♫ ♥
2007-01-16 09:52:29 UTC
The Green Door is pretty good .. but it's usually pretty packed.

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