I would like to take my family out for a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Where would you recommend?
2006-10-07 19:28:36 UTC
I would like to take my family out for a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Where would you recommend?
Five answers:
2006-10-11 00:10:40 UTC
I live near Ottawa, and I love Red Lobster, East Side Mario's, I guess it depends on what kind of food you're looking to have... Orleans has some nice places. Of course, Thankgiving was yesterday, so you might as well just come to my house and we can have leftovers, lol!
2006-10-08 08:43:31 UTC
Renaissance Hotel has a nice Thanksgiving dinner.
2006-10-07 21:56:35 UTC
A lot of top-notch hotel restaurants have good Thanksgiving meals. I've never been to Ottawa, but if I were there during Thanksgiving and wanted to go out, I'd try a Hyatt, Hilton, or Marriott hotel restaurants first.
2006-10-07 19:47:35 UTC
you could take them Calafonia Dreamer's on washington road it a very nice place it like my fav its has a great atmasphere and service is tremendous. Other choices are Logans great place it matter what kind of family u have but i hope my advice helps.

se ya
Celebrity girl
2006-10-09 19:06:26 UTC
Red lobster or The Mandarin.

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