Why do dogs have faces?
2007-07-03 15:47:17 UTC
I mean, seriously, whats the point?
Nine answers:
2007-07-05 10:39:14 UTC
so you know which end the food goes in and which end the food comes out
2007-07-04 17:24:08 UTC
Because they evolved that way... Why do you need a point? The anatomy of a face perfectly suits the needs of a dog... So that's how they are.
Jackie B
2007-07-03 22:59:43 UTC
why do you have a face? I mean seriously....what's the point?
2007-07-05 01:20:51 UTC
seriously ? what is the point of your question ?
2007-07-07 19:13:00 UTC
Are you serious why do you have one a face ?
2007-07-04 03:40:15 UTC
Why were you stupid enough to put this in the Dining Out Section?
2007-07-03 23:04:22 UTC
'cause they do! You gotta problem with that? Take it up with Jesus!
2007-07-04 07:24:02 UTC
stupid question and wrong category
2007-07-03 22:51:45 UTC
that is the way God made them...........

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.