pls girls only what would u like from a guy?
2006-08-14 09:42:25 UTC
pls girls only what would u like from a guy?
Four answers:
2006-08-14 11:02:40 UTC
You probably won't like this answer but we want honesty, good character, integrity,and no bull$hit mind games ("I'll call you.....")
2006-08-14 17:07:55 UTC
Can I just tell you what I don't like from a guy??lol

Just kidding. I like an independent, understanding, cariing, polite guy. As long as he loves me, I don't really ask for much. One thing that I think is important though, is that he has to be romantic, and good in bed. lol He has to have his own place, and have a good job. Is that too much to ask for??

Good luck with your answeres
2006-08-14 17:23:21 UTC
i would like a guy that likes to dine out
2006-08-14 16:46:23 UTC

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