Is there any good bbq restaurants in ottawa?
2007-04-20 10:58:46 UTC
Is there any good bbq restaurants in ottawa?
Four answers:
2007-04-21 03:32:01 UTC
Short answer: no.

Longer answer: try searching on and Yre's looks to be worth a look. But there's nothing American-style, picture of smiling pig on sign, if that's what you're thinking of.
2007-04-21 17:57:58 UTC
There is also a Lone Star on Baseline and Fisher. The Byward Market has a variety of great restaurants, grills, and patios. Although they're not all BBQ, you'll definitely find something you'll enjoy.
2007-04-20 13:26:59 UTC
Lone Star Texas Grill

Address : 4048 Carling Avenue, Kanata
2016-10-28 17:35:54 UTC
particular, some quickly nutrients joints sell "poutine", yet i wouldn't in any respect placed it interior the comparable classification as real poutine, or perhaps reliable poutine. quickly nutrients places tend to low-fee out and use shredded cheese. real poutine is made with cheese curds. there's a huge difference.

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