What is the mailing address of Plaza Hotel, Ottawa - Canada?
2007-04-17 09:20:33 UTC
What is the mailing address of Plaza Hotel, Ottawa - Canada?
Three answers:
2007-04-21 03:34:48 UTC
What you're asking about is a scam; see

Note especially:

"It's a scam, people ask about Plaza hotel in Ottawa and no one in Canada has ever heard of it. Canada does not need to import people for hotel employees. They will steal your identity or charge you fees for legal or visa, etc. But they will not get you into the country.

If you receive on-line job offers, consider the following:

* Does the email or job posting direct you to contact an email address that uses a free webmailer (Yahoo, Hotmail, etc)?

* Does the recruiter have a website that matches the domain of the email address? For an email address like there should be a website like and it should be a recruiting company.

* Does the company provide a postal address, telephone and fax number?

* Can you independently verify the postal addresses on a Google search?

* Are the conditions too favourable ($30,000 per month salary, five star hotel accomodation)?"
2007-04-17 19:44:50 UTC
According to

> Crowne Plaza Hotel - 613-237-3600

101 Lyon Street North, Ottawa, ON K1R 5T9

> Hôtel Maritime Plaza - 514-932-1411

1155, rue Guy, Montréal, QC H3H 2K5

> Richmond Plaza Motel - 613-722-6591

238 Richmond Road, Ottawa, ON K1Z 6W6

> Holiday Inn Plaza La Chaudiere - 819-778-3880

2 Montcalm Gatineau, Ottawa, QC

> Holiday Inn Plaza La Chaudière - 819-778-3880

2 Montcalm Gatineau, Ottawa, QC
2007-04-20 07:06:37 UTC
ask the operator dial 411

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