Do you feel sorry for the Canada section on answers?
2006-08-11 01:27:29 UTC
like nobody every asks anything on it? It is so depressing....
Eight answers:
Goddess of Grammar
2006-08-11 04:13:13 UTC
The Travel--Canada gets lots more questions than the Dining Out--Canada section. Even some restaurant questions.

I think Dining Out is one of the more pathetic sections.
Perplexed Music Lover
2006-08-11 08:33:59 UTC
That's because we Canadians are generally happy. We don't have as many problems as people from other countries. Also, Canadians are, on average, a little smarter and better educated than some other nationalities, so maybe we don't need to ask as many questions. Another possibility is that we know how to (and prefer to) just look up the answers to our questions on the Internet ourselves, instead of asking other people. Then again, maybe it's just because we're all so shy, or too polite to bother other people with our own problems. Or maybe we're just boring.
The Man In The Box
2006-08-11 08:32:32 UTC
Because they are asking question on their own page, not in the Canadian section of our US page. See all the little flags on the bottom of the page? Click Canada, and...presto! Lots of questions.
2006-08-11 08:31:59 UTC

I can feel that.

So here is a question.

Are Basset Hounds happier in the USA or in Canada?
2006-08-11 19:21:33 UTC
Not particularly. Just thought I would say hello to a fellow Ottawatonion, beautiful day in the nations capital isn't it?

2006-08-12 00:56:16 UTC
No, but I feel sorry for you'll be ok.
2006-08-11 08:30:14 UTC
i dont feel sorry.
2006-08-11 08:33:35 UTC
dont have any feeling....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.