can you drink at 18 in ottawa?
2006-03-26 15:05:45 UTC
whats the drinking age in Ottawa, ON
Ten answers:
2006-03-26 15:08:41 UTC
NO! You have to be 19 to drink in Ottawa (& the rest of Ontario), but only 18 in Gatineau (formerly Hull)... on the Quebec side. It's a 5-10 minute drive from Downtown to the strip in Hull. Please see the Alcohol &Gaming Commission of Ontario Website for more details...
2006-03-26 15:35:13 UTC
Ottawa = 21 yrs old

Hull = 18 yrs old
2006-03-26 15:06:53 UTC
Apparently, you can drink at 8 in Ottawa !
2006-03-26 15:08:54 UTC
the drinking age in Ontario is 19, I know in Alberta you only have to be 18. Maybe time to plan a road trip;-)
2016-10-15 12:20:12 UTC
criminal ingesting age isn't determined through cities in Canada, yet through the provinces. Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec are the in trouble-free words provinces which have a ingesting age of 18, all others which incorporates the territories are 19.
2006-03-26 15:08:02 UTC
u can drink at just about any age as long as your parents allow u 2
2006-03-26 20:12:17 UTC
Sure you CAN drink but hope you don't get caught
2006-03-29 19:23:49 UTC
Havent lived here long i assume?
2006-04-02 08:01:15 UTC
2006-03-26 17:45:45 UTC
u can drink if your parents supervises you.

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